

1、坐公交的话,在定海公交车站(新车站)乘坐6路车到“城东公交首末站”下,对面就是 ;如果是在新城,可以乘坐51路或者77路车到“交通大厦(市政府)”下车,沿着香樟树路走到路口右转,再左转进入新建中路,直走就到了 2、自驾的话直接搜“舟山市方圆木业有限公司”即可。有导航吗?嘻嘻…… 工厂地址:浙江舟山普陀区东港街道兴普大道388号

公司电话:0580-8169919 品牌热线:400-8158-858转5分机(销售部)/5分机(客服部) 品牌邮箱:fyyfd@163.com 网址:www.zhsfyfydl.cn

关于方圆 我们拥有自己的工厂 专业生产实木地板、实木复合地板 和强化复合地板 是浙江省最大的实木地板生产企业之一

我们的产品通过ISO9000质量体系认证和欧盟CE认证 荣获“中国驰名商标”“浙江名牌产品”等称号 并在上海股权交易中心成功挂牌上市 股票代码:207262 FUYANG is a leading manufacturer and supplier of wood flooring in Zhejiang Province, with own manufacturing factory specialized in production of solid wood floor, engineered hardwoodfloor and laminated flooring. Our products are certified by ISO9000 quality system and CE European Union. We are honored to be entitled as “Zhejiang Famous Brand Product ”and gain the “China famous trademark”. In addition, our company has successfully acquired the qualification of "National High-tech Enterprise". With all these certifications, we have built up a solid foundation for sustainable development.
